

    中新社南宁6月15日电 (陈秋霞)记者14日晚从广西壮族自治区防汛抗旱批示部办公室得悉,4月入汛以来,广西气候复杂多变,极端气候频发,呈现罕有降水量级,全区几近所有市县均分歧水平受灾,受灾生齿达91.1万人,直接经济损掉14.1亿元人平易近币。

  中新网海口6月15日电 (记者 王晓斌)普遍存在的微塑料是不是会影响猪肉品质?中国热带农业科学院热带作物品种资本研究所(简称“中国热科院品资所”)畜牧研究中间近日在该范畴的研究获得新进展。研究团队成员胡诚军博士14日对记者说,他们的一项研究揭露了微塑料对猪肉品质和肌肉血管生成的影响及调控机制,为优良猪肉的出产供给了理论根据。   微塑料为直径小于5毫米的塑料颗粒,在食品、水和空气中均有存在。最近几年来接踵发现微塑料残留在动物血液、胎盘、肝脏和肌肉等组织中,激发普遍存眷。   “先前的研究已确认,在猪的饲料和分泌物中可以检测到微塑料的存在,但还没有充实探讨微塑料对猪肉品质的影响。”胡诚军博士说,团队在节制情况下设置对比组与处置组,别离豢养了一批已断奶的仔猪,取得了系列数据。   中国热科院品资所该项研究发现,微塑料在猪的日粮中以150毫克/公斤的浓度存在,不会直接影响猪的发展机能,即猪的发展速度和健康状态未受影响。但是,微塑料的存在会奥妙地改变猪肉的感官特征。   “猪肉的光彩,特别是其红度值呈现降落,这可能会影响消费者的采办意愿。另外,对肉质嫩度有联系关系的I型肌纤维的含量亦有所削减,可能使肉质变得不敷抱负。”胡诚军博士介绍,因为实验中利用的是具有荧光标识表记标帜的微塑料,研究人员并未亲口品味处置组的猪肉,但经由过程代谢组学阐发,这批猪肉特定的风味化合物如肌肽、β-丙氨酸和烟酰胺的含量在微塑料污染的前提下显著下降。上述化合物对付与猪肉怪异的口感和风味相当主要。   研究中的另外一项发现触及微塑料对肌肉血管生成的影响。肌肉血管是负责向肌肉组织输送氧气和营养的要害布局,对保持肌肉健康发育起着不成或缺的感化。团队展开的研究显示,微塑料可以或许按捺猪肌肉血管的正常生成,这可能对肌肉的功能和整体健康发生晦气影响。   自觉现微塑料“登岸”陆地生物后,微塑料给后者带来的影响是相对较新的研究范畴。中国热科院品资所相干研究功效已于2024年6月1日在国际食物权势巨子期刊《Food Research International》上在线颁发。   “猪饲猜中的微塑料可能来历于包装材料的磨损、情况或饲料原料的塑料污染。它们一旦进入猪的饮食系统,即可能积累在体内,进而影响其心理性能和肉质特征。”胡诚军博士建议,饲料出产和加工环节中应提防微塑料的“入侵”。(完) 【编纂:胡寒笑】






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2024-06-15 13:31:26 | 来源:本站原创

Red Bulls New York vying for a spot in the UEFA European Championship Final

The UEFA European Championship has reached an incredibly exciting stage, with the semifinals well underway. In a surprising turn of events, the New York Red Bulls, one of the top teams from Major League Soccer in the United States, has qualified for the semifinals and is now just one step away from reaching the final of the tournament. Let's take a closer look at the upcoming match and the potential scoreline.

The Red Bulls' journey to the semifinals

The New York Red Bulls have had an impressive run in the UEFA European Championship, surprising both the critics and their opponents. Led by their tactically astute coach and a mix of experienced and young talented players, the Red Bulls have displayed exceptional teamwork and determination throughout the tournament.

In the group stage, the Red Bulls faced tough competition from well-established European powerhouses. However, they managed to secure crucial victories and advanced to the knockout stages as the group leaders. In the Round of 16, they faced off against a formidable opponent and managed to secure a narrow 1-0 victory, thanks to an exceptional goal from their star striker.

In the quarterfinals, the Red Bulls faced another challenging test against a team known for its solid defense. However, they were able to break through and secure a convincing 2-0 win, with their attacking prowess on full display. This victory propelled them into the semifinals, marking a historic achievement for both the team and MLS.

The semifinal matchup

In the semifinals, the New York Red Bulls will face off against a tough European team that has been a consistent performer in major tournaments. This match promises to be an intense battle between two teams eager to secure a spot in the prestigious UEFA European Championship Final. Both teams possess strong offensive capabilities, which could lead to a thrilling encounter.

Predicted scoreline

While it is difficult to predict the exact scoreline of the match, considering the unpredictable nature of football, we can expect a tight and competitive contest. Both teams have shown defensive solidity throughout the tournament, which could potentially lead to a low-scoring affair. However, given the attacking prowess displayed by the Red Bulls in recent matches, they have a chance to break through their opponents' defense and find the back of the net.

On the other hand, the European team's experience and tactical acumen will likely pose a significant challenge for the Red Bulls. They will need to maintain their defensive discipline while keeping their attacking instincts alive to stand a chance of securing a victory.

In conclusion

The Red Bulls' journey to the semifinals of the UEFA European Championship has captured the attention of football fans worldwide. Their impressive performances have shown the quality and competitiveness of MLS teams on the international stage. As the team prepares for the crucial semifinal clash, the outcome remains uncertain. However, with their resilience and determination, the Red Bulls have the potential to make history and secure a spot in the UEFA European Championship Final.



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